Cost Comparison Between Fishnure And Composted Cow Manure

Cost Comparison Between Fishnure And Composted Cow Manure

The recommended application rate for composted cow manure is:

Existing lawns should be given an application of 100 lbs. of composted cow manure per 100 sq. ft. of lawn once a year.

Always water in thoroughly after spreading composted cow manure.

The recommended application rate for Fishnure is:

For established or re-seeded lawns apply 1 lb. per 60 sq. ft. and water thoroughly.

Assuming that both products are purchased online and delivered to the home of the purchaser the cost comparison is as follows:


Product Fishnure Composted Cow Manure
Rate/sq.ft. .017/lb./sq.ft. 1lb./sq.ft.
Cost/lb.($) .3.99 .132
Cost/sq.ft.($) .067 .132
Shipping 0 $22.00
Shipping/sq.ft.($) 0 .440
Total Cost/sq.ft.($) .028 .572


Comparative Costs for Treating 1000 sq. ft. of Lawn

Product Fishnure Composted Cow Manure
Pounds 28 1000
Compost Cost($) 28 132.00
Shipping Cost($) 0 440.00
Total Cost($) 28 572.00


Additional Advantages of Fishnure™

Less material to move around and spread.
No equipment needed to distribute material.
Less labor required overall.

Learn more about Fishnure here.

For starters : Fishnure 8 lb.

Best Value for purchase : Fishnure 32 lb.

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