How to Make a Humus Compost Extract and Apply by Hose End Sprayer

How to Make a Humus Compost Extract and Apply by Hose End Sprayer

Does it seem costly and difficult when you think about hauling and spreading tons of compost to prepare your soil for planting or for extra fertilization? Well, fret no more! We have established a better and less expensive way. What if we told you there is a significantly different organic fertilizer on the market that greatly simplifies the fertilization process? Get ready to familiarize yourself with the name - Fishnure™.

Fishnure is made from fish manure, oat straw and a small amount of a special clay. The resulting product is a moist putty-like substance that readily mixes in water. The organic matter and microbes bind to the microscopic particles of clay and will remain in the soil thereby increasing the amount of organic matter in the soil. The organic matter in a mulch or regular compost will only last a few months before it is decomposed and converted to carbon dioxide.

We have come up with a handy guide on how to make a liquid extract from the solid material and apply it using a hose end sprayer.

Important note:

Only a small amount of Fishnure Humus Compost is needed to provide the same fertilization and soil treatment as a much larger quantity of compost. In the following guide of the application process, we will use only 6 ounces to treat 2000 sq. ft. of lawn.


Step 1 – Mix the 6 Ounces of Fishnure in 1 Gallon of Water

Measuring Out 6 Ounces of Humus Compost


The solid substance mixes well with a little bit of stirring. The microbes are maintained alive in the moist environment of the solid product and are ready to go to work immediately. No brewing, special brewers or microbe activators are needed.


Step 2- Pour the Mixture Into the Hose End Sprayer

Mixing the 6 Ounces in 1 Gallon of Water


After mixing, pour one quart of the mixture into a hose end sprayer dispenser.

The setting on the hose end sprayer is set to the maximum dispensing rate. The one quart of mixture will treat 500 sq. ft.

Pour Mixture Into Sprayer


Step 3 – Spray the Fishnure Mixture on the Area to be Treated

Mark off an area of 500 sq. ft. and move back and forth across that area until the quart of mixture is gone. This only takes a few minutes.


Spraying the Mixture


If there's 2000 square feet or less to be treated, repeat steps 2 and 3. If there are additional areas to be treated, repeat Step 1 to make more mixture and then repeat steps 2 and 3 until all areas have been treated.

The entire process will go quickly and there will be no back straining from lifting heavy bags of material. The heaviest bag to be lifted for this method weighs 8 pounds.

Best of luck in your gardening adventure!

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